ORACLE: Cross Platform Transportable Tablespace

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Cross Platform Transportable Tablespace


Transportable Tablespace is used to move a large amount of data between databases where the tablespace is copied from source database to the target database.


A Tablespace can be Transport between databases on the same Platform from version 8i. From the version 10g, a Tablespace can be Transported between databases on Different Platforms.


In this article, we will see transportable tablespace on Cross platform.

The tablespace that is created in Database which is on the Solaris will be migrated into Linux environment and then into Windows.


Source Database Platform Solaris:


  1. Login to the database that is running on Solaris OS, and create a tablespace that will be transferred to the target server.  Then create a user and an object on that tablespace.


Connecting to the database


Creating the Tablespace


Creating the user with Some privileges and assigning the tablespace.


Connecting to the database as test user and creating the Database Objects.



  1. Verify the self-contained status of the tablespace, place it in read-only mode, create the necessary directory object and use Data Pump to export the metadata of the objects of that tablespace.


Verify the self-contained status of the tablespace.



 Make the tablespace read-only.


  creating the directory for Data Pump Operations.



Export the metadata of the objects using Data Pump Utility.

Note: We are performing the transportable tablespace on Cross platform so we cannot send the datafiles directly.



  1. In this step, use the convert tablespace command with the platform name where the conversion should be performed. Use Linux IA (32-bit).




Target Database Platform Linux.


  1. Login to the database that is running on Linux OS, Create a user and directory object on the target database and use Data Pump to import the tablespace to the target database.


Connecting to the database


Creating the user with Some privileges.


creating the directory for Data Pump Operations.



Import the Tablespace using Data Pump Utility.


Connect the test user and check the database object.


The tablespace is successfully converted and created in the second database that is running on the Linux platform.


If the size of the tablespace is huge and there is more than one datafile in the tablespace, then add parallelism and format options to run the process in any parallel degree that is desired and generate user defined file names.  In the following command, convert the tablespace tbs1_two, which has three datafiles, into five parallel sessions and user-defined filenames:



Now we are using the convert datafile Command on the Destination Host to Convert the Datafile from the Linux Platform to the Windows OS.


In case a single datafile or set of datafiles needs to be converted to any platform that RMAN supports, use the convert datafile to platform command on the destination host.  As all the steps are the same as in the previous scenario, only the RMAN command that will be used on the destination host (Windows OS) to convert the datafile that was copied from the source host (Linux OS) will be shown.

Use platform command and mention the platform name from which the conversion is being performed:



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Note: Please test scripts in Non Prod before trying in Production.
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