ORACLE – Physical Standby Database creation – Part 3

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Continuation of Part 2


ORACLE – Creating a Data Guard Physical Standby environment – Part2


Standby Database Steps


Create a Control File from Primary database for the Standby Database.


The standby database will use a control file that is generated on the primary database




Backup the Primary Database and transfer a copy to the Standby node.


Generate a script to copy files(Datafiles, Tempfiles and Redolog files).


Shutdown the database, edit the script to add the v_dest location, and execute it.



On the standby node create the required directories to get the datafiles



On the primary node execute the script to copy the database while the main database is down (or in backup mode)



Prepare an Initialization Parameter File for the Standby Database



Copy and edit the primary init.ora to set it up for the standby role



Create all required directories for dump directories and archived log destination




Copy from the primary the standby controlfile to its destination


Continued in the Next Article………


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Note: Please test scripts in Non Prod before trying in Production.
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