How to perform DATAPUMP operations on standby database by converting snapshot standby.

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How to perform DATAPUMP operations on standby database by converting SNAPSHOT standby.


Data Guard is the name for Oracle’s standby database solution, used for disaster recovery and high availability. This article contains an updated version of 12cR1 Converting physical standby into snapshot standby and taking export operation using DATAPUMP Utility.


Primary Database : APACPROD(DBA13)

Standby Database : APACSTAND(DBA12)

Step :1

Check the primary  database is in sync with standby database or not.

At Primary Side:

At standby Side :

Step 2 :

Get the current scn on physical standby side.

Step 3 :

Enable Flash Recovery area  with required parameters in (s)pfile.

Step 4 : 

Create Restore point by using guarantee flashback database.

Incase if we are using Guarantee flashback database the flashlogs will not remove at physical location even after retention period.

Step 5 :

At primary side :

Take logswitch and set LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_STATE_2=defer  to stop archivelog sync with stanby database.

Step 6:

At standby Side :

Convert Physical standby database into snapshot standby database and check  controlfile type.

Step  7:

Check par file parameters and take full export using DATAPUMP utility.

Step 8 :

After export is done   do startup mount force then move to database to restore point.

Step 9 :

Convert snapshot standby database to physical standby database.

Step 10:

At Primary Side :

Take Loswitch and set log_archived_dest_state_2=enable for sending log files to standby server.

Step 11 :

At standby Side :

Enable MRM mode and check archive log files are applied are not.

Step 12 :

Drop restore point by using following command.


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Note: Please test scripts in Non Prod before trying in Production.
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2 thoughts on “How to perform DATAPUMP operations on standby database by converting snapshot standby.

  1. Not sure why you created a guaranteed restore point.. When you convert the standby into snapshot standby, Oracle implicitly creates a restore point.. Isn’t it the case

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