Amazon IAM Roles in AWS

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Dear Readers,

In this article,we will see

  1. Create a role and attached source “EC2” and Destination “AmazonS3FullAccess”.
  2. Launch one instance and assign this role to the EC2 instance.
  3. Connect to Linux server through putty.
  4. We can manage S3 bucket through role instead of giving credentials.
  • Instead of giving credentials we can use roles.
  • While creating a role provide some permissions based on permissions we can manage aws account.
  • Role is a replacement for credentials.


First, we need to AWS Console page by using below link.

Click on sign in to Console button.

Logging to aws account

Provide username and password then click on sign in.

Enter to AWS Management Console

We can see the AWS Management Console Dashboard.

Create an Role

Go to services and click on IAM under Security, Identity & Compliance.

Go to Roles and click on Create role

By default it will show some roles.

Choose Source  

Choose EC2 service and click on Permissions.

Provide Destination Permission to the role

Select AmazonS3FullAccess by searching S3Full in search bar and click on Tags.

Click on Review.

Specify Role name “My Role” and click on Create role.

The Role has been created successfully with the name of “My Role”

In this Role Source is “EC2” and Destination is “AmazonS3FullAccess”

Launch an EC2 Instance

Go to Services, under the compute module click EC2 service to open.

Create and Configure a Virtual Machine

We can see EC2 Dashboard by default one security group is available and click on Launch Instance.

Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

Select the Operating system of the EC2 instance by choosing any of the Amazon Machine Images (AMI).

Select the Microsoft Amazon Linux AMI.

Choose an Instance type

Choose the Type of instance depending on your requirements.

Instance types comprise of varying combinations of CPU, memory, storage, and networking capacity so you can choose the appropriate mix for your applications.

select the default option of t2. micro – this instance type is covered within the free tier. Then click on Configure Instance Details.

Click on Configure Instance Details.

Configure Instance Details

Configure EC2 instance details as per requirements of your environment.

Go to IAM role and choose the required role “MyRole” which was created earlier and click on Review and Luanch.

Choose existing Key Pair and Launch Your Instance

To connect to your virtual machine, you need a key pair. A key pair is used to log into your instance and select existing key pair.

click on View Instances to view the instance you have just created and see its status.

We can see our instances

The status Is initializing ( in back end all commands are running ) so, It will take some time.

Connect to Linux Server through Putty

Go to putty tool and enter DNS which was copied earlier from your instance.

Go to connection at the left side menu then select “SSH” and then select “Auth”. You need to click on the browse button to select the My Linux.ppk file that we created recently.

Click on open.

Click on open.

Ignore warnings and click on yes.

Once you connect, you will successfully see the Linux Server prompt.

Switch to root user

Create an S3 Bucket

To Check list of S3 Buckets

To Verify Buckets Graphically

Go to S3 console  in that we can the  bucket “ktexpertsbucket2”

In the CLI bucket default access is public.

In the Graphical bucket default access is private.

Copy object from base machine to S3 bucket

Go to object path and run the command

Make file “versioning”

Copy the object to the bucket

To Verify Graphically

Go to S3 console in that we can see the object “versioning1.txt” in the bucket “ktexpertsbucket2”

Create an IAM User

Note :

We can’t access anything apart from S3 because EC2 instance has only AmazonS3FullAccess

If you want to access IAM we need to attach IAM permission to the role “MyRole”

Attach IAM Permission to Role “MyRole”

Go to services and click on IAM under Security,Identity & Compliance.

Go to Roles and choose Role “MyRule”


Click on Attach Policies.

Choose IAMFullAccess by searching “IAM” in the search bar and click on Attach Policy.

IAMFullAccess policy has been attached to my role “MyRole” successfully.

Create an IAM User

Go to Linux Command Line and create an IAM user.


To Check Graphically

Go to services and click on IAM under Security,Identity & Compliance.

In the users we can see user ”Vinod” that was created in CLI.

Create an IAM Group

 To Verify Graphically

Go to IAM Dashboard in that we can see the group “ktexperts2” which was created in CLI

Detach Role “MyRole” from EC2 Instance

Go to services and click on EC2 under compute module.

Go to Instances.

Select the instance then go to Actions then click on Attach/Replace IAM Role in the instance settings.

Choose No Role option in the IAM role field.

Click on Apply.

Click on Yes,Detach.

The role “MyRole” has been detached successfully.

Create an IAM User

Go to Linux Command Line and create an IAM user

Note : we can see above one error “Unable to locate credentials” because we ditached the role (we don’t have credentials )

If you want to create IAM user you provide credentials manually or Attach Role to EC2 instance

Attach Role “MyRole” to EC2 Instance

Go to services and click on EC2 under compute module.

Go to Instances

Select the instance then go to Actions then click on Attach/Replace IAM Role in the instance settings.

Choose MyRole option in the IAM role field.

Click on Apply.

The role “MyRole” has been Attached successfully.

Create an IAM User

Go to Linux Command Line and create an IAM user

To Check Graphically

Go to services and click on IAM under Security,Identity & Compliance.

In the users we can see user ”Sai” that was created in CLI.



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