Launch 2 Hosts and Set-Up in Inventory File

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In this article,we will see Launch 2 Hosts and Set-Up in Inventory File.

What is Inventory file?

  • Ansible works against multiple managed hosts in your infrastructure at the same time, using a list or group of lists         is known as the inventory.
  • The Ansible inventory file defines the hosts and groups of hosts upon which commands, modules, and tasks in a           playbook operate.
  • The file can be in one of many formats depending on your Ansible environment and plugins.
  • The default location for the inventory file is /etc/ansible/hosts.If necessary, you can also create project-specific              inventory files in alternate locations.
  • The inventory file can list individual hosts or user-defined groups of hosts.

Steps to Follow

  1. Launch 2 Hosts “Ansible-Node-1” and “Ansible-Node-2”.
  2. Create a group and mention Hosts Private IP under the group in the Inventory file “/etc/ansible/hosts”.
  3. Uncomment two files “inventory = /etc/ansible/hosts” and “sudo_user = root” in the ansible configuration file “/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg”.

1. Launch 2 Hosts “Ansible-Node-1” and “Ansible-Node-2”

Check Availability Zone of your Ansible Machine

we can see the Availability Zone “ap-south-1b” of your Ansible machine.


Ansible machine is in ap-south-1b AZ.
we create 2 nodes at the same time by selecting 2 instances in the same Availability Zone “ap-south-1b”.
we need to open SSH and HTTP ports.

Create 2 Nodes “Ansible-Node-1” and “Ansible-Node-2”

Launch Linux EC2 Instance

Check below link to Launch Linux EC2 Instance.

Launch Linux EC2 Instance

We can see the 2 nodes  “Ansible-Node-1”  and “Ansible-Node-” which was created earlier.

Whenever we install ansible By default ,we will get two files “ansible.cfg”  and “hosts” in the /etc/ansible” directory.

2. Create a group and mention Hosts Private IP under the group in the Inventory file “/etc/ansible/hosts”

Copy Private IP of 2 Hosts 

Copy Host 1 “Ansible-Node-1” private IP

Copy Host 2 “Ansible-Node-2” private IP

Open the file “/etc/ansible/hosts” and create group “Ktexperts-Nodes-Group” and mention above 2 nodes IP addresses under group.

:wq! —- to quit.

Now on wards ansible server push code to 2 nodes but ansible main configuration file is not recognizing the 2 hosts.

So,we need to uncomment two files in the main configuration file “ansible.cfg”

3. Uncomment two files “inventory = /etc/ansible/hosts” and “sudo_user = root” in the ansible configuration file “/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg”

:wq! —- to quit.

Now on wards ansible server push code to 2 hosts automatically by running playbooks.


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Note: Please test scripts in Non Prod before trying in Production.
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