Basic MongoDB Commands Operations

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Basic MongoDB Commands Operations


πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰Please check the below video

1 – To shows all the databases

Atlas atlas-dsrabt-shard-0 [primary] myFirstDatabase> show dbs

2 – To use the database called sample_airbnb
Atlas atlas-dsrabt-shard-0 [primary] myFirstDatabase> use sample_airbnb

3 – To show all the collections in a database
Atlas atlas-dsrabt-shard-0 [primary] sample_guides> show tables

4 – To get the count of documents in a collection called movies
Atlas atlas-dsrabt-shard-0 [primary] sample_training> db.moviess.count()

5 – Another way to get the document count from collection called moviess
Atlas atlas-dsrabt-shard-0 [primary] sample_training> db.moviess.countDocuments()

6 – Another way to get the document count from collection called movies
Atlas atlas-dsrabt-shard-0 [primary] sample_training> db.moviess.estimatedDocumentCount({})

7 – Command to create a collection (uncapped) called newcollection
Atlas atlas-dsrabt-shard-0 [primary] sample_training> db.createCollection(β€˜newcollection’)

8 – Command to create a capped collection called books
Atlas atlas-dsrabt-shard-0 [primary] sample_training> db.createCollection(β€˜books’,{capped:true,size :15000,max: 4000})
>>here SIZE referes to the memory consumed
>>MAX referes to the number of documents that the collection can accomidate.

9 – To check the specific collection is capped or uncapped
Atlas atlas-dsrabt-shard-0 [primary] sample_training> db.newcollection.isCapped()
Atlas atlas-dsrabt-shard-0 [primary] sample_training> db.books.isCapped()

10 – To show all the collections in a database
Atlas atlas-dsrabt-shard-0 [primary] sample_training> show collections

11 – To get all the collections in an array format whose collection names are seperated by comma
Atlas atlas-dsrabt-shard-0 [primary] sample_training> db.getCollectionNames()

12 – To get the information about every collection in the database, like name,type,to which field index is used
Atlas atlas-dsrabt-shard-0 [primary] sample_training> db.getCollectionInfos()

13 – To get more information about the collections
Atlas atlas-dsrabt-shard-0 [primary] sample_training> db.books.stats()

14 – To get the size of a collection in bytes
Atlas atlas-dsrabt-shard-0 [primary] sample_mflix> db.users.dataSize()

15 – To get the total indexes on specified collection
Atlas atlas-dsrabt-shard-0 [primary] sample_mflix> db.users.getIndexes()

16 – To get all the distinct values of collection called movies whose values are in the year in array format
Atlas atlas-dsrabt-shard-0 [primary] sample_mflix> db.movies.distinct(β€œyear”)

17 – To get all the indexes from a collection
Atlas atlas-dsrabt-shard-0 [primary] sample_mflix> db.movies.getIndexes()

18 – To create an index on a field in a collection
Atlas atlas-dsrabt-shard-0 [primary] sample_mflix> db.movies.createIndex({β€œcast”:1})

19 – To remove the index on specified field in a collection
Atlas atlas-dsrabt-shard-0 [primary] sample_mflix> db.movies.dropIndex({β€œcast”:1})

20 – To get the total size used by all the indexes in a collection
Atlas atlas-dsrabt-shard-0 [primary] sample_mflix> db.movies.totalIndexSize()


For output of the above commands please check the link below.



Author    : Teja

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Note: Please test scripts in Non Prod before trying in Production.
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