Create trail for Single Region on CloudTrail in AWS

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In this article,we will see Create trail for Single Region on CloudTrail in AWS(Amazon Web Services)

Create Cloud Trail

Go to Services, click on CloudTrail in the Management & Governance module.

Click on Create trail.

Specify Trail name “ktexperts”.

Select No option in the apply trail to all regions means it apply only for one region.

Choose S3 in the Data events and select create a new bucket then specify bucket name “ktexpertsbucket” in the storage location.

Click on create.

The trail has been created successfully.

Verify Cloud Trail Logs in S3 Bucket

Within 15 minutes of creating your first trail, CloudTrail delivers the first set of log files to the Amazon S3 bucket for your trail.

Click on S3 bucket to open.

In the CloudTrail we can see one folder that belongs one region “Mumbai”.

Go inside ap-south-1

Select and Click on ap-south-1 to open.

We can see log file objects belongs ap-south-1 region.

downloaded CloudTrail log file in the physical location.

It is in json format.

Once open CloudTrail log file, we can see content in json format.



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Note: Please test scripts in Non Prod before trying in Production.
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