Handling SQL Error and Vulnerability BUG in JENKINS_job by SQL plus script runner plugin

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Handling SQL Error and Vulnerability BUG in JENKINS_job by SQLplus script runner plugin

How to make Jenkins job as failure for SQL errors (SQL syntax or any SQL Error):
Add the additional code in Jenkins SQL file or SQL user defined code.
👉To check the SQL failure.
👉 Build the job and check for the job status:
👉 Check the console output for ERROR:
👉 Console output: continued

Known Issues: – Reported problems for SQL Plus Runner
my script takes forever to execute…
▪️ Windows users sometimes get a running script stuck on build, even though they run everything on Oracle.
▪️ In that case you should use BuildTime Outplugin together to get everything working fine.
▪️ This plugin allows you to automatically terminate a build if it’s taking too long.
▪️ NOTE: This plugin isn’t applicable to pipelines.
▪️ Use the timeoutstep in workflow-basic-steps
PLUGIN installation in Jenkins
👉 This plugin supports only UI freestyle jobs (not pipelines)
Adding Time out step in Pipeline jobs
👉 How to write Timeout step for each pipeline type
For a Declarative Pipeline (timeout for a whole job):

For a Scripted Pipeline (timeout for a whole job):

Timeout inside a stage (for a specific action):

Declarative Pipeline

Scripted Pipeline


Every time I get this error: *cannot find SQL plus *
Jenkins plugin can’t find SQL*Plus executable file.
You should do in this order:
1. Stop Jenkins.
2. Find where are sqlplus executable file (usually at $ORACLE_HOME);
3. Check if they have proper permissions (chmod 755 *).
4. Create a global environment variable ORACLE_HOME like this:

5. Test your environment with: *sqlplus -v *, should return SQL*Plus version like SQL*Plus: Release Production
6. Start Jenkins.
7. Use the try to detect ORACLE_HOME option.
8. Retry your SQL*Plus operation.


Every time I get this error: libsqlplus.so: cannot open shared object file:
No such file or directory or SP2-0667: Message file sp1.msb not found.
You should do in this order:
1. Stop Jenkins.
2. Find where are sofiles (usually at $ORACLE_HOME\lib );
3. Check if they have proper permissions (chmod 755 *).
4. Create a global environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH like this:

5. Test your environment with: *sqlplus -v * , should return SQL*Plus version like SQL*Plus: Release Production
6. Start Jenkins.
7. Use the try to detect ORACLE_HOME option;
8. Retry your SQL*Plus operation.
Password Vulnerability in Older version – SQL plus runner Plugin
▪️ The older version of SQL Plus script runner plugin 2.0.12 and earlier had vulnerability.
▪️ The password is not masked by Jenkins in these older versions.
▪️ The new version of Jenkins has the feature of masking the password.
👉 Password vulnerability for lower version 2.0.12:
👉 The version: in our case is higher 3.0.0.
Reporting Security Vulnerabilities
▪️ Report to Jenkins security team for any vulnerability w.r.t plugin
▪️ If you are unable to report using our issue tracker, you can also send your report to the private Jenkins security team mailing list: jenkinsci-cert@googlegroups.com
▪️ The Jenkins security team will then file an issue on your behalf and will work with the maintainers of the affected component(s) to get the issue resolved.
👉 Report a security vulnerability:
Reporting BUG -> I have a BUG to report : How to Report
▪️ Please open an open a new issue and inform https://github.com/jenkinsci/sqlplus-script-runner-plugin/issues/new
▪️ Please provide below details
▪️ sqlplus-script-runner-plugin version.
▪️ Jenkins server Operation System.
▪️ Jenkins version.
▪️ Where SQL Plus Script Runner is running (local machine or slave machine);
▪️ Slave machine Operation System (if applicable);
▪️ Oracle Database version.
▪️ Oracle SQL*Plus version.
▪️ Build log with debug info enabled.
👉 To report a bug:


Author    : Venkat Vinod Kumar Siram 
LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/vinodsiram/
Assisted by Shanmugavel
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Note: Please test scripts in Non Prod before trying in Production.
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