Oracle : Backup of GI and RDBMS home before patching

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Note : Please test below steps in your lower environment before trying in Production


Backup of GI and RDBMS home before patching


As root do it when DB instance/CRS is down  :


Restore : If any issues and needs to restore RDBMS/GI home follow below steps :


Note : Please let me know if you have any recommendations.



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Note: Please test scripts in Non Prod before trying in Production.
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7 thoughts on “Oracle : Backup of GI and RDBMS home before patching

  1. Sir its a good explanation, i have one doubt when we untar the homes as root user will the permissions of the homes gets changed to root or will have the same permisions before back

  2. Sir its a good explanation, i have one doubt when we untar the homes as root user will the permissions of the homes gets changed to root or will have the same permisions before backup

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