ORACLE – Creating a Data Guard Physical Standby environment – Part4

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Continuation to the Part 3


ORACLE – Physical Standby Database creation – Part 3


Configure the listener and tnsnames to support the database on both nodes


Configure listener.ora on both servers to hold entries for both databases


ON TEST1 (Primary Database Side).




ON TEST1 (Standby Database Side).




Configure tnsnames.ora on both servers to hold entries for both databases


ON TEST1 (Primary Database Side).



ON TEST2 (Standby Database Side).




Start the listener and check tnsping on both nodes to both services




Set Up the Environment to Support the Standby Database on the standby node.


Copy the password file from Primary to Standby, sys password must be identical



Setup the environment variables to point to the Satndby database




Startup nomount the Standby database and generate an spfile




Startup mount the Standby database and perform recovery



The alert log of the standby will show the operations taking place

Start the Primary Database


The alert log of the primary will show how it recognize the standby and start shipping archived logs


Verify the Physical Standby Database Is Performing Properly


Check archived redo log on Standby


Switch logfiles on Primary



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Note: Please test scripts in Non Prod before trying in Production.
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