SecureCRT Buttons for Default

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In this article , we will cover SecureCRT Buttons for Default.

############Setting up Format (format):
To convert invalid timestamp value and to check current date.

######### Instance Information (inst_info):
This SQL outputs the information of instance that is up and running like whether it is a read only, read/write, primary or standby like below.


### Sessions Count USERNAME (sessions count username):
Output of this SQL describes number of sessions created per username.

### smon|tns:
This outputs the list of database instances which are up and running in a server.

####### Services:
This outputs the list of services which are active in the databases. Here, services means tns service.


################ gv_inst_info
This outputs since when the instance is up and what is the role of the instance.


######### My_SID
This SQL outputs session ID, status and login time of my user account.


########## No.of Connections per service (No.of_Conn’s_for_Service)

This displays the number of active connections created per tns service/schema.


############ Check connections for Service Name (Chk_connections_for_ServiceName)

It shows number of connections created, instance ID, and machine name per service name.


########### tnsconn

How to connect to SQL using Service name and hostname

######## Sudo_to_root
To connect as root user.

######## GV_Active_Sess
This shows number of active sessions per instance.


########## set_user
To switch from one schema to another.

############ export_SID
To login to a database, we need to export its SID first, using below command.

I hope the above information is useful  and  helpful.

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Note: Please test scripts in Non Prod before trying in Production.
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