SSH Connectivity between two nodes (Manual)

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SSH Connectivity between two nodes (Manual) 

In this article we will see how to make SSH connection manually between two nodes.

Node Details :

Node1 : RAC1

Node2 : RAC2


Follow below steps to setup SSH

In Node1 (RAC1) :

Create directory called .ssh and give 755 permissions

Generate public and private  keys using following command

One more command

Now goto .ssh directory and check files

Here .pub extension files are public keys and remaining will be private keys

Now copy the content of the both public files into authorized_keys file  by following below steps

In NODE2 (RAC2) :

Create directory called .ssh and give 755 permissions

Generate public and private  keys using following command

One more command

Now goto .ssh directory and check files

Here .pub extension files are public keys and remaining will be private keys

Now copy the content of the both public files into RAC2  file  by following below steps

Now do SCP of file RAC2 from this node to RAC1 node

In NODE 1 (RAC1):

Check content in authorized_keys file

The authorized_keys file have Public keys of RAC1 Node. we need to maintain both nodes public keys content into authorized_keys file

Now append data from RAC2 file to authorized_keys file

Now check content in authorized_keys

Now SCP authorized_keys file from Node1 to Node2


In Node2(RAC2):

Check content in authorized_keys file.

Now check connectivity

Now password less connection was happening between two nodes.

Only first time it will ask password.



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Note: Please test scripts in Non Prod before trying in Production.
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