OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING IN PYTHON Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a powerful paradigm that allows developers to structure their code in a more organized and modular way. In Python, OOP is implemented through classes and objects, which encapsulate data and behavior into reusable components. Python is… Read More

Exceptional Handling in python

Exceptional Handling in python Exception handling allows developers to manage errors and unexpected situations. Exception handling is the process of managing errors and unexpected events that occur during the execution of a program. When a Python program encounters an error, it raises an exception, which… Read More

Built in Object Types in Python

Built in Object Types in Python ▪️ All programming languages support a number of built-in variable types. These are the building blocks used for all the other variable types available within the language. ▪️ By combining or extending the basic variable, we can create some… Read More

String: Python

String: ⦁ It is one of the built-in data structures in python. ⦁ String is a group of one or more characters which are enclosed in between single, double, triple quotes. ⦁ Strings can contain symbols, letters, numbers and special characters. ⦁ Strings are immutable… Read More


LOOPING IN PYTHON Loop: A loop is a control flow structure that allows a set of statements that will be executed repeatedly until a certain condition is met. Loops are used to automate repetitive tasks, to iterate over a data structure. Python language support two… Read More

Lists in Python

Lists in Python ▪️ A list in Python is a group of related values (elements) that are arranged in a specific order and can be changed. ▪️ It can store different data types, including integers, floats, strings, and lists themselves. ▪️ Lists are enclosed in… Read More

PYTHON Introduction

PYTHON Introduction Program: A program is a set of instructions that can be executed by the computer to perform a specific task. Purpose of using programs: 👉 To get accurate results. 👉 To get output very fast. We can write the programs using both the… Read More

Control Flow In Python

CONTROL FLOW Decision making statements in programming languages decide the direction of the flow of program execution based on the given conditions. Python supports if, Elif used to decide the flow of execution. If statement: It is the basic decision-making statement, in this the code… Read More